Welcome to Our Kava Blog
Kava as an Alternative to Alcohol and Kava vs Alcohol
Some of the most commonly asked questions about kava revolve about how it compares to alcohol, whether it can be used as an alternative to alcohol and whether the two can be mixed. In today’s blog we are looking at all these questions. More specifically, we would like to focus on the idea of using kava as a replacement for or perhaps an alternative to alcohol. We discuss the pros, the cons and provide a good dose of observations. Throughout the post we examine the differences between these two substances and briefly touch on the separate topic of using alcohol together with kava.
Kava and Caffeine
We've found people reporting that the mixture of kava and caffeine can cause an increase in the stimulation effects of caffeine when the two are consumed within a reasonable time together. Some people find the combination uncomfortable, while some enjoy the increase in stimulation. However you feel about it, there's always a good scientific explanation regarding why and we would like to share with you what we theorize the culprit to be. Read this blog post for more information.
Kava and Sleep Quality
One of the most common questions we receive are related to kava’s effects on sleep. We’ve decided to write this quick post to share our thoughts on this topic and to hopefully present a useful perspective on kava’s effects on sleep.
Different ways of drinking kava and the art of “listening to the kava”
Today’s post looks at the different ways of preparing and drinking kava, as well as the art of listening to the kava. We start with a look at ways in which kava is consumed as a social lubricant, particularly in places like Tonga or Fiji and then look at the method of drinking stronger kava in a more contemplative, meditative manner, i.e. the practice of “listening to the kava”.
Can kava get you high?
A guest post by Garry Stoner from TK Labs
Does kava get you "high"?
An often asked question, but one that requires some definitions. Most people have no qualms about applying the term to the use of controversial substances like marijuana or to the abuse of common substances (such as sniffing glue), but hesitate to use the word when describing the effects of legally prescribed drugs which induce similar effects. To me, this carries the implication that if you're ingesting a substance under the direction of a "doctor", what you are feeling isn't "high".